On the second day of the EU-Startups Summit 2022 event, Yannis Niebelschutz, founder of CoachHub gave a presentation on “The Importance of Coaching and the Right Leadership Mindset: Top Tips from an European Unicorn”.

Yannis, represents an online platform that offers coaching services. During his speech, he presented tips and advice to startups who want to quickly and successfully develop the company. The most important thing is to establish core values for the company and for the company’s culture.
The most important thing about being a leader is being a little crazy, being available to the people you work with and, above all, putting people first. According to the CEO of CoachHub, one of the key issues for the effective development of the company is to make employees feel that they are a real part of the company’s success, that their work and opinion matters to the employer. It is important to get to know them professionally and privately.
Yannis suggests that it is extremely important to invest in employees of various dimensions, both financially and in terms of commitment and time.
Participation in the conference and fair in Barcelona at the EU Startup Summit took place as part of the Economic Accelerator program and the Małopolska Innovation Rocket project. The Economic Accelerator is organized by the Institute for Eastern Studies. Three companies from Malopolska participating in the project – Versatilex, Medical Simulation Technologies and Score Digital had an opportunity to go to Spain.