Projekt Małopolska Startup Rocket

Project implementation period: March 2019 – March 2022
Project value: PLN 1,030,625.00
Contribution of European funds: PLN 876,031.25
Source of financing: Regional Operational Program of the Małopolska Region 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 “Entrepreneurial Małopolska”,
Measure 3.3 “Internationalization of the Małopolska economy”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Economic promotion of Małopolska”.i”.
The main goal of the project: Economic promotion of Małopolska as a region of dynamic development of the startup environment and a leader in innovation, as well as supporting Małopolska medium and small enterprises from the IT, life science, sustainable energy industries, etc. in their expansion to foreign markets.
Detailed objectives of the project:
Enabling a substantive discussion between the business and science sector on strengthening cooperation
in the R&D area;
Establishing long-term contacts from Małopolska startups with the corporate sector,
science and investors;
Strengthening contacts between domestic and foreign startups in the area
of new technologies and cooperation;
Support for startups from Małopolska in the implementation and development of products / services,
as well as their promotion abroad;
Promotion of products / services offered by Małopolska entrepreneurs abroad;
Promotion of innovative startup projects from Małopolska
and the region’s economic offer;
Support for the investment process regarding Małopolska startups.
Support under the project in the form of participation in conferences in Poland, a trip to one of the six international innovation fairs, a promotional campaign on the Internet, preparation of promotional materials (folders, leaflets, catalog of Małopolska startups) will be granted to 30 innovative SMEs – startups – from Małopolska.
Innovation Forum in Tarnow (2019)
Startup Session Elite during XXIX Econimic Forum
2019 r.
Support for startups from Małopolska in the implementation and development of products / services, as well as their promotion abroad;
1) nano tech, Tokio, Japonia (29-31 january 2020)
2) Malaysia Technology Expo, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (20-22 february 2020)
3) Research & Technology / Nannover Messe, Hanower, Germany (20-24 april 2020)
4) Technology Hub, Mediolan, Italy (may 2020)
5) TECHINNOVATION, Singapur (september 2020)
6) LSIE (Life Science Industry Event), Tel-Awiw, Israel ( october 2020)
Support under the project in the form of participation in conferences in Poland, a trip to one of the six international innovation fairs, a promotional campaign on the Internet, preparation of promotional materials (folders, leaflets, catalog of Małopolska startups) will be granted to 30 innovative SMEs – startups – from Małopolska.
Planned effects of the project:
Support for 30 startups from Małopolska in the field of internationalization of economic activity;
Establishing business contacts by Małopolska startups with foreign partners and recipients of products / services;
Signing foreign contracts by supported startups from Małopolska;
Enabling Małopolska SMEs to contact foreign investors
Enabling Małopolska SMEs to sign contracts with foregin investors;
Support for Małopolska SMEs in entering new foreign markets.
In the long term, the implementation of the projec
will allow Małopolska startups to establish cooperation with domestic and foreign partners
will have a positive impact on the implementation of investments in Małopolska
which will be associated with the region of innovation and development
and will contribute to the improvement
of social living conditions.