The project “Małopolska Innovation Rocket: development and internationalization of innovative MŚP” aims to strengthen the economic position of Małopolska as a region of dynamic development of innovative SMEs. Project activities are directed to Małopolska’s innovative enterprises operating in the areas of smart specialization of the region. Here are the 12 companies that took part in the 2020/2021 edition.

icMobile Systems Sp. z o.o. – icMobile Systems is a small, but very innovative company with the seat in Nowy Sacz. We prepare modern mobile systems in the area of quality management and logistics. Our systems stand out with their versatility and application of unique elements, such as Internet of Things, machine learning (Google Cloud ML), augmented reality (Google Glass, Realwear) and voice recognition (Google Cloud API). Every day, we try to inspire our Clients to use very rapidly developing ICT technologies. The mission of the company is to offer clients and partners modern, easy toinstall and use and stable mobile software operating at any type of mobile devices and smartphones and wearable solutions (Google Glass EE2, RealWear HMT-1) considerably increasing efficiency of mobile workers. Our solutions gained recognition among clients from such industries as: trade /distribution, production /warehousing, transport, shipping, logistics and state administration institutions and offices. Income software has always been adapted to the client’s needs – entry point is our copyrighted IT platform. The company operates in the area of entire Poland. We cooperate with leading mobile equipment suppliers, such as Zebra and Honeywell, and also experienced integrators of mobile solutions and company management systems.

Techmo Sp. Z o. o. – Techmo is a company delivering business solutions in the area of voice recognition, speech synthesis and computer-assisted natural language processing. The company is active in research and development based on operation of deep neural networks. Techmo has released products that enable process automation and optimization with the use of such tools as: speech synthesis, automatic voice recognition— Techmo ASR taking into account real-time speech grammar and logic. We are also developing data analysis software for speech, statements and conversations.

Mohabo Studio – The project concept is simple: we’d like to encourage more people to make the planet cleaner. That’s why we created Planet Heroes – an international platform, which can be joined for free by anybody to create their own projects. The project is a voluntary action of cleaning any natural area from litter and waste. The users document all their actions by taking photos: first before cleaning „stage before”; and after cleaning „stage after” (with #planetheroes logo) together with photos of appropriately segregated and properly disposed of waste. Next, they publish their project in the platform, while others can send their financial support. Planet Heroes is the world’s first crowd-funding platform focused on ecological initiatives and their promotion in the global scale. Our goal is to create a society of people organizing bottom-up cleaning actions and enable their mutual support. As a platform, we analyze and work with data related to type of waste and their producers after analysis of photos send by the users.

Hakuna Matata Mateusz Kustra – I’m a professional block builder. I specialize in construction of architectural models of warehouses, factories and buildings – e.g. houses, monuments and landscapes and also gifts, cars and scenes that attract attention of not only the young. I’ve built models for such companies as: Panattoni, Ekipa Friza, Whirlpool, Bremer, Amazon, Pesa, Coty, Quequality, Historyland exhibitions, Kazimierz based Lego Bricks Museum and private collectors e.g. gifts for David Beckham, Robert Lewandowski. I’ve also built with the most famous Youtubers in Poland „Ekipa Friza” appearing live with them and in one of their sequels. Since June, I’ve also organized training sessions in Arłamow Hotel. In October 2021, I opened my exhibition of brick built pieces of art. I work in Poland and abroad, my recent models were sent to Miami, New York and a few pieces to Germany and England and many other European countries. In Poland, I’m well known to lego bricks fans. At this stage, I’m focused on further development of my business, planning to offer my products all over Europe and especially in German market. In the year of the pandemics, my business grew extensively; I hired new employees and started to be recognized. That is why I’d like to make more models for other European countries.

Talent Alpha Sp. z o.o. – Talent Alpha is an innovative HR Tech startup that moves IT specialists and their talents to a digital world. The company enables measurement of skills by means of advanced Talent Analytics tools and their management in human cloud. We cooperate with more than 400 organizations representing more than 20 thousand specialists in 33 countries all over the world. We connect SME sector companies with global brands, such as ABB, Decathlon, Fujitsu, GFT, Infosys, Novartis or UiPath by allowing cooperation at large, interesting projects. Talent Alpha Platform is one of the most complex and advanced tools for measuring and indexing technical abilities and so called soft skills based on AI/Machine Learning in the global market. The collected data allow skills mapping in organizations, taking management decisions, career path building or re- and up-skilling. The platform allows also companies to discover and rapidly fill in talent gaps, thanks to access to thousands of specialists from other companies, whose profiles are available online. It is also a place that gives specialists access to global projects without the need of moving and changing the employer. We connect smaller companies with global players.

Quality Time – We make creative films and high quality photos dealing with everything you can call digital picture on the Internet. Film and photography means us. We devote 110% of ourselves to every project – from concept to effect stage, which gives satisfaction to the client. Our approach is based on appropriate planning, arrangement of everything from the tiniest details. In our view, diversity gives us unique style and approach. We can make a report from your event something exceptional and interesting. A session in any place of Poland is not something difficult. Online advertising is our second name. We are not afraid of any challenges as every idea is feasible for us.

Secfense Sp. z o.o. – Secfense creates software that allows protecting accounts of IT system users against hacking with the use of intercepted, scammed or broken passwords. The unique character of the solution is based on smooth, rapid and mass-scale implementation of security measures without any need to modify secured web applications, with the use of alternative, password-free methods of authentication, e.g. cryptography or biometrics.The goal of Secfense is to eliminate „password issues” faced by large organizations. A popular saying in the cyber-security world is that „passwords are a source of all type of evil”. Since most cyber attacks begin with a weak or stolen password. Secfense enables departure from passwords and replacing them with better authentication mechanisms. Secfense paths the way towards zero trust model based cyber-security and opens doors towards password-free authentication in entire organization. The company was established in 2018 and since that time gained trust among corporate clients including BNP Paribas Bank Poland or PKP Intercity (Polish Railways).

SEEDiA Sp. z o.o. – SEEDiA is a technological company building intelligent infrastructure that allows real optimization of urban services and cost reduction reaching 43%. The heart of our system is software and electronics, which optimize distribution of energy from solar panels. is intended to integrate intelligent solutions, in the same time integrating data about SEEDiA products with other urban solutions through API. Our energy independent products, powered only by solar energy, communicate with the cloud via 3G and 4G protocols, what makes them mobile. One of our key advantages is high quality of production process and final products delivered to our clients. Dynamic changes in today’s economy in conjunction with growing awareness and requirements of the consumers motivate us to continuous increase of quality and adaptation of our products and services to requirements of respective EU directives. Taking care for safety and health of users and conforming to positive environmental impact concept, SEEDiA effectively refines its processes and increases the number of certificates securing the position of a high rank brand among the clients.

TakesCare sp. z o.o. – TakesCare provides virtual health care dedicated to patients, doctors, medical specialists and business partners. As a Health / InsurTech marketplace we have secured a strong position in the market of Polish telemedicine. We focus on effective preventive treatment, diagnostics and treatment of chronic diseases, infections and also mental health. We care for the patient at every step of his/her way to recovery. Our flagship products are healthcare service packages for available only online. We provide convenient solutions for doctors to run their online offices. We integrate telemedical platform with business partners in a fast and secure way. Thanks to professional knowledge and worked out treatment models, supported by deep learning and digital solutions, we take advantage of the potential of telemedicine to support the health care system. Solutions offered by TakesCare are used by the biggest Polish insurance companies offering health care products to their clients. Based on new technologies and in cooperation with the biggest oncological centres in Poland, we test and prepare methods of support for oncological clients in their fight against pain. Responding to the market needs, we have created Online Mental Care Packages for heads of HR departments. They offer solutions that allow taking care for mental wellbeing of employees. We make our service available both in Direct model and B2B2C (White Label), while an open API standard for integration of devices, medical data and third party services enables fast implementation of created solutions.

FindAir Sp. z o. o. – FindAir is a medical sector company delivering intelligent inhalation and tele-medical equipment, which supports asthma and POChP treatment. The portfolio of FindAir consists of: intelligent equipment supporting asthma treatment, AI and data analysis in asthma forecasting, mobile and web-based software for patients and doctors. We believe that preventive and appropriately tailored treatment is likely to increase patient’s safety and general life quality. We prepare products and facilitate research programmes that aim at development of artificial intelligence to forecast precisely the increase in asthma exacerbation. Applications proposed by FindAir are applied in the market by hospitals and tele-medical solutions in entire Europe, especially such countries as Holland, Belgium or United Kingdom.

CREATEC sp. z o.o. – CREATEC offers technical consulting services as a support for R&D processes of clients from aviation, automotive, machine or medical industry. Our clients include foundries, blacksmith’s shops, press shops and other entities applying advanced technologies in metal, ceramics and plastic processing. In the same time, we carry out a number of R&D projects on our own, in majority focused on preparation of innovative 3D printing technologies. We are a technological startup operating in the area of advanced technologies, including aviation and automotive industry. We offer support in introduction of existing and implementation of new, unique in the global scale solutions in the area of metal and plastic processing, measurement systems, 3D printing, computer aided design and production and computer expert systems by effective transfer of knowledge to the industry. Currently we work on a project aimed at preparation of ceramic filters made in 3D printing technology. The object of that research is to prepare a new composition of ceramic paste and prepare detailed parameters for all individual processes.

WooBrick sp. z o.o. – The idea of WooBrick was born from love to children and wood. A co-founder of the company, father of 5 children, comes from a woodworking family. He has always desired to combine his passion for woodworking with something practical. Together with his friends, he prepared world’s first interactive wooden building blocks, called QUBTRIX, compatible with LEGO standard. The blocks have a favourable influence on child development. They develop and improve manual abilities, not being overloaded with functions and flashing lights. Their perfectness is based on simplicity of their make and application. As of today, there have been 14 types of block shapes released. Currently, work is in progress on configuration of sets. In the next stage, the size and shape of packaging will be decided on and CE certification prepared for complete sets. Currently, we have two projects in progress, co-financed from NCBR and MCP funds, where we prepare two generations of wooden building blocks. One (analogue) QUBTRIX is intended for creative play for children age 3-16, while ELECTRIX version (analogue-digital) is intended for both children and youth/ adults, who would like to introduce a new form of group games, replacing for example board games with building blocks offered by WooBrick. Both physical and digital products offered by WooBrick demonstrate a high scalability potential.
Recruitment is currently underway for the 2nd part of the Małopolska Innovation Rocket project.
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